Batch Interface

What is Batch Interface

The batch interface is a console-based distributed application. To execute batch-based administration of a Software AG product, you must have Software AG installed.

The SMH installation method includes the installation of all generic components required by the batch interface. All product-specific components, such as batch agents and templates, are added during the individual product installation.

The SMH batch interface must be executed from the same directory as the SMH software: Software AG directoryInstanceManagerbin.

All Software AG Runtime product-specific components must be installed on the same computer as the Software AG Runtime instance.

You may query the batch interface for supported commands, command syntax, and so forth. This interface is used in the same way on every supported platform.

The batch console establishes a connection to the Software AG Runtime instance defined in your registry. You can find more information on this issue may be found in the Registry Settings.

Batch and collector

When you execute the UI, a connection is made between DC and the address space. If you set security as a startup option for the data collector, the ID has the authorization to conduct the activities you wish to accomplish. Security file specifies this authorization. The input parameter specifies the activities you wish to do.

The batch interface uses an ID obtained from an exit procedure to connect to the collector. NSIGHTEX exit configures one of two user IDs based on the environment. If the batch is run using TSO, the user ID is displayed in the interface. Instead, the ID is retrieved from the JOB card’s USER= field.

If the START command is used to initiate a request, the user interface launches the library. The interface analyzes the elements of the request provided in the argument and sends it to the DC. the elements of the IQL request given in the argument and transmits the request to the DC.

The statement outputs the results of every single action as one message.


To address a specific agent in a batch command, you must include information about the target node, the product, and the version. In the format, the batch environment is provided.

For the batch environment, the following commands are available:

  • display environment, configure environment, and clear environment

The set environment command allows the user to save the settings for target, version, product, user, and password in order to prevent having to enter this information for each future command. These settings are retained until a fresh set environment or clear environment command is issued.

Command Format

The string argbatch must be used at the start of every batch command. Individual batch command components must be separated by blank spaces or tabs.

  • A batch command’s fundamental components are as follows: argbatchidentifierenvironment, and parameters.

Tokenization of the underlying shell is used by argbatch. As a result, when specifying a single backslash in parameter values (for example, pathnames), always use double backslashes.

A command identifier is made up of command operation and command objects. The most common command operations are: create, set, and delete. Database location, job, and extension are examples of popular command objects.

The target node, user, and password for the batch operation, as well as the product and version required to identify a suitable agent on the server-side, are all specified in the environment. Localhost is the default target node, and the default version is the most recently installed version as indicated in the target node’s registry.

A batch command can accept one or more parameters, which are made up of a name and a value. Some of the characteristics derived directly from a product are case-sensitive. Unless otherwise specified, none of the batch interface parameters are case sensitive.